Financial statements analysis

Learn to quickly analyze the financial statements of companies in order to determine their financial position
  • Analyse and assess financial statements quickly and efficiently
  • Calculate and assess financial ratio's
  • Online E-learning + efficient analysis tools

Financial statements are an important aspect in determing the financial situation of a company. The more efficient you can analyze the balance sheet, profit & loss statement and cashflow, the better. Want to know how to achieve this? Register now for this one-day training!

Deze opleiding in-company of 1 op 1 afnemen?

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Totale kosten Meer info

€ 620

Aantal dagen



About the training 'How to analyse a financial statement?'

Whether it concerns the financial statement of a company, a business relationship, a tenant, a supplier, or a customer, gaining insight into the financial statement and the financial situation of your relationships is extremely valuable in many situations.

Don't have the time to spend hours on this? During this one-day training, you will learn to quickly and efficiently analyze financial statements and assess the most important key points for evaluating the financial status of your relationships.

This way, you'll learn to quickly identify key indicators, such as the level of solvency, changes in working capital, and cash flow. How do these changes in the financial statements compare to previous years? Can they be logically explained by reading the explanatory statement, or does a more in-depth analysis lead to further questions?

Important ratio's covered in this training include the Interest Coverage Ratio (ICR), Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR), and the Solvency ratio. In addition to calculating these ratios, you'll also learn how to interpret them and relate them to the financial statement's outlook and recent developments. This is crucial for you as a financial professional to react in a timely manner to ratios that may come under pressure.

By systematically analyzing the balance sheet and the profit & loss statement, you'll become proficient at forming expert opinions when making decisions regarding credit approvals, revisions, or investments.

The training includes frequent practice with practical case studies, enabling you to apply your financial statement analysis skills immediately after completing the course. You also have the option to submit questions or case studies in advance, which will be addressed during the training. In summary, after completing this training, you'll have a firm grip on your financial figures!

Before the training, you will have access to FOI's digital learning environment. In preparation, you'll need to complete the E-learning financial statement analysis module. This E-learning module provides theoretical knowledge about reading balance sheets, making the training even more practical and effective. The E-learning module is available online for 6weeks, allowing you to revisit the course material as needed. Consequently, the learning objectives become more firmly ingrained in practical application.

Dit is de Engelstalige variant van de training 'Jaarrekening analyse'. Deze training wordt dus gegeven in het Engels en heeft ter voorbereiding een Engelstalige e-learning.


  • No prior education needed
  • E-learning financial statement (2 hours)
  • Training day (6 hours)

Learning goals

  • Analyze and be able to make connections between the balance sheet and the profit and loss statement;
  • Be able to calculate and interpret various financial ratio's;
  • Determine the financial status of a company on the basis of the analyzed financial figures;
  • Prognosing on the basis of the historical figures;
  • Provide insight into the liquidity of the organization through cashflow statements and liquidity forecasts;
  • Recognize profit influence within the financial statements;
  • Provide an expert opinion in the decision-making process regarding lending, revision or participation;
  • Cashflow analysis versus profitability;
  • Be able to establish a relationship between cashflow and solvency & cashflow and working capital;
  • Revaluation and provision of deferred tax and its impact on net income;
  • Fixed assets, economic age and rent versus ownership.

Jorrit van Eck

Partner & Trainer

Drs. J.G.H.J.M. van Eck (Jorrit) studeerde Bestuurlijke Informatiekunde aan de Universiteit van Tilburg. Hij heeft meer dan 20 jaar ervaringen in het bankwezen, hoofdzakelijk in het zakelijke domein zowel als specialist als in diverse management functies. Hierbij was hij commercieel actief in zowel het grootzakelijke segment als voor MKB ondernemingen. In deze periode gebruikt Jorrit zijn ruime ervaring ook als trainer, hierbij hecht hij veel waarde aan de toepasbaarheid van de opgedane kennis.
Zijn kennis op het gebied van financiële analyse, zakelijke kredietverlening en -beoordeling zet hij in als trainer voor FOI en bij de contacten met opdrachtgevers en het invullen van hun vragen. Vanaf 2018 is Jorrit ook als partner verbonden aan FOI.

Data & Locaties

Kies een startdatum en locatie

23 september 2024
Virtual Classroom
23 september 2024 09:00 - 12:00
24 september 2024 09:00 - 12:00
30 september 2024 09:00 - 12:00
1 oktober 2024 09:00 - 12:00

Virtual Classroom

The total investment for the training is €620,-

This consists of:

  • Training day: €495,-
  • E-learning: €125,-

And includes:

  • Coffee / tea and a catered lunch
  • Preparation material
  • Training materials, such as handouts, literature and a folder
  • Digital proof of participation

FOI training courses are exempt from VAT.

In preparation for the training you need to follow the e-learning Financial Statements. The costs for this are included in the total training costs.


In the week prior to the training you will receive the invoice. This is sent digitally. If there are deviating invoice details, you can indicate this when you register.


From 6 people, an in-company training can already provide a financial advantage. Curious about the costs for an in-company training? Request a quote.


Ervaringen van anderen

Very good explanation. The course was also of high quality in terms of content. Jorrit can explain well and is also very helpful during the case studies.
The training was easy to prepare for with the provided materials. The instructor was pleasant and had a lot of practical knowledge. There was enough content throughout the day, and the cases were clear.
The information was presented in a light and clear manner. Additionally, the extensive interaction brought extra energy and knowledge sharing, which was very nice.

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